Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

The children in Foundation A have enjoyed working on cooperative tasks and games as part of learning in mathematics. Conducting surveys by asking friends a yes or no question was a lot of fun. The children were able to practise approaching a friend politely by saying ‘excuse me’ and then asking a question, listening to and recording the answer. They were then able to create a simple graph using the data that they had collected.

The children have also played number games that required them to put numbers in order. Identifying numbers that come before and after is a skill that requires a lot of practise. Watching the children playing games it was particularly exciting, seeing them take turns and play fairly. These are important social skills that are not always easy to master.

Foundation is always an exciting year; the progress and change that can be observed in the children’s skills and confidence is enormous. It has been wonderful sharing this journey with the children and I wish them all another learning and filled term as they begin Term Four with their new teacher.

Ms Temple